Introduction to the Major & Minor Arcana

A typical tarot deck includes 78 cards divided into the major and minor arcana. The major arcana consists of 22 cards. These are considered the most significant and powerful in the deck because they represent universal and timeless themes and concepts. In addition, they typically represent significant life events, transitions, and spiritual journeys. In contrast, the 56 minor arcana cards focus on everyday situations and experiences.

The Major Arcana: Numbers and Names

Major arcana cards are numbered using Roman numerals and have specific names and images associated with them.

The major arcana cards are numbered from 0 to 21. Each card is associated with a specific name and image, representing a particular aspect of the human experience. While some decks use different names, these cards are traditionally known as:

0. The Fool

I. The Magician

II. The High Priestess

III. The Empress

IV. The Emperor

V. The Hierophant

VI. The Lovers

VII. The Chariot

IIX.  Justice

IX. The Hermit

X. Wheel of Fortune

XI. Strength

XII. The Hanged Man

XIII. Death

XIV. Temperance

XV. The Devil

XVI. The Tower

XVII. The Star

IIXX. The Moon

IXX. The Sun

XX. Judgment

XXI. The World

The Minor Arcana: Numbers and Names

Minor arcana cards are divided into four suits, traditionally called:

  • Wands
  • Cups
  • Swords
  • Pentacles

Each of these suits contains cards numbered from one to ten using standard numerals, as well as four court cards: 

  • Page
  • Knight
  • Queen
  • King

What You Can Learn From These Arcana

Each of these cards has its own unique symbolism and interpretation, and they can be used to gain insight into different aspects of life.

The major arcana cards can offer insight into significant life events and transitions. It can provide guidance and insight into the human experience and help you navigate the challenges and opportunities you encounter in life. The minor arcana can provide insight into specific situations and everyday life experiences, including love, career, relationships, and personal growth. 

In future posts on the Tarot Card Insights blog, I will highlight each card in detail and provide helpful spreads and reading techniques. In the meantime, contact me for a reading!